Thursday, February 18, 2010

Farmstead and Crow Creek

Hey yall...I apologize that I haven't kept you posted since Barefoot but here I am to tell you about the last couple tournaments.

Farmstead was an experience to say the least. I fired a 74 my first round and was 8 back of the leader who had shot a 66. The next day we played in the worst conditions of the year and personally, my life. It was 35 degrees and we had wind gusts of 40mph. I played solid golf but ended up missing the cut by a couple. An example of how hard the wind blew was our second hole. The first day on hole 2 we could hit driver-wedge. It was only 390yds. Second day I hit driver 4 iron. WOW!

Moving on to this week we went back to the course in which I started my professional career, Crow Creek. The field was very weak due to weather and a separate tour starting up in Hilton Head.

I started off with a 72 first round and shot a 76 today. I MADE THE CUT! It gives me great satisfaction to have made another cut and allows me to leave my professional career on a bit of a high note.

Thank You to everyone who has supported me during this endeavor. I truly have enjoyed my time down here and have met friends that I will keep forever.


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