Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm here for 30 min....and I'm already at the golf course?

I arrived safely down here in Calabash, NC. The place that I got set up in is like a little hotel room. Just enough for a golfer who is going to be here for 3 months. I got here around 3:00 and went straight Sand Piper Bay Golf and CC where I will playing and practicing.

Started my diet which includes fruits, vegetables and oatmeal. The exercise includes core exercises and a mile run each night.

Keep in touch...I would love to hear from you!



  1. I'll be sure to bring my running shoes with me in a few weeks :) Good luck this week - hit 'em long & straight!!

  2. hey there!!

    play well and enjoy if you can...
    hopefully we will see you soon...

  3. Good luck today, play well and go low. Don't be intimated by the competition you are every bit as good as those you will play with. They might have a little bit more tournament experience but remember they are just chasing the same dream.

    Love, Dad

  4. We wish you luck Geoff - but you don't need it - you have all the skills!!

  5. You're already gone!? Sorry we didn't get to see you before you left. Good luck, you'll be missed!

  6. You have to blog what you shoot each day...the Hooters website hasn't even posted the results of last weeks tournament yet...
