Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tough Tournament


Yesterday was the final day of golf in 2009 for Geoffrey A. Montross. We had a challenging test of golf at Tidewater Golf Club. I had a plenty of excuses for my poor play but we all know what excuses are like...

I had spurts where I played great golf. A total of 6 holes in the 36 that I played doomed my 2 rounds.

I'm taking it easy the next few days due to sickness. I hope that I get better fast so I can hit the links next week.

Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Missed Cut....Better Play.

December 16th was the second day of the tournament at Black Bear. I started off with quick birdies at 1 and 2. I wasn't hitting the ball great but my putting and overall shortgame was very good. I bogied 6,13 and 17 to be 1 over for the day.

The 18th hole is a 540 par 5 with the second shot over water. I hit a great drive and left myself with 235yds to the hole. I decdided then to go for the green in 2 and came up short in the water. I was proud of myself for taking the chance at hitting the green and potentially making eagle but I was disappointed I didn't pull off the shot. I made a double bogey on the hole and ended up missing the cut by 3.

I played much better overall but still plenty of work to do. The next tourny is the 28th.

Happy Holidays to everybody following me!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 1 at Black Bear

A little better....Today was the first day at Black Bear Golf Club. I shot an even par round 72. The greens were a little rough due to overseeding and the course was a swamp. I missed a couple chippies that could have lowered the score by 3 or 4. As of right now i'm tied for 24th.

It's a step in the right direction....I found that after 2 early bogies I really allowed myself to get out of my own way and just play golf.

My stats were 11/14 Fairways, 11/18 Greens and 28 Putts. There were about four greens that I was just off the edge and was still able to putt.

I'm striking the ball much better and the putter is even contrubuting.

My last blog I talked a little about Zach Sebert. Well, he also show a 72 today and we got paired together for tomorrow. It's supposed to be very cold tomorrow but looking forward to building on today's round.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Black Bear

Tomorrow is the first day of this weeks tournament. This week we are playing Black Bear Golf Club. Tuesday is supposed to be wet. Considering that the course is already underwater we aren't looking to good to get out until Wedenesday.

I have met some outstanding golfers down here. One in particular Zach Sebert. Zach was the captain of Ohio State's golf team from 07-09. Zach and I have been practicing and playing a lot together and I have been learning a lot about how he mentally approaches tournaments, since he has won about 20.

I'm excited about this tournament and look forward to breaking through with some quality play.

-MadGolf Monty

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jack Frost.Brunswick Plantation. Internet

Hey Yall,

First off my internet has not been working for the past couple days hence why I haven't gotten anything out to you. right now I'm typing this from a computer at the bowling alley.

The Jack Frost Scramble was a lot of fun. Our group finished at 18 under 1 out of the money. It was interesting because I was teeing off forward tees. The course had a lot of doglegs so my teammates were telling me to aim over houses to try to cut corners. Really weird when your aiming over a house that is 20 yards in front of you.

Wednesday and Thursday was my second tournament at Brunswick Plantation. The first day I didn't hit the ball great but was better than it had been. I shot 75 - My stats were 13/14 Fairways. 15/18 greens and 32 putts. Still not putting great and something I really have been focusing on. The second day was a blustery one. Gusts of up to 35 mph. I shot 77 - My stats were 12/14 Fairways. 12/18 Greens and 32 putts. It was kind of a struggle all day. I ended up missing the cut by 7.

I know I can play better. A couple more dropped putts and I'll make it.

Thanks for the support.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jack Frost Scramble at River Hills

Saturday and Sunday I will participating in a Scramble Tournament. The tournament is called the Jack Frost Scramble. The idea is that you create a team consisting of 5 players and play 36 holes of stroke play. There is about 170 players that will be playing. Saturday there is some money that can be won but the big dollars are earned on Sunday where there is an estimated pot of 350K.

One of my members at International CC, Pete Walsh set this up a couple months back. When he heard that I was going to be down here he invited me to play.

This will be a good tournament for me to be able to hit some shots that I have been relentlessly working on without really feeling the sting of a potential missed shot.

I will keep you posted!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 can't get any worse.

Hey yall...Today was the first day of the first tournament down here in the Carolinas. I unfortunetly played very poorly and am pretty disappointed about it. I'm chalking it up to a learning experience and hope that tomorrow proves to be a brighter day.

About the course. Crow Creek CC

par 72 7100+ yards. It was very wet out there today because of rain last night. It probably was playing pretty close to 7400 yards. Water on almost every hole. The par 3's and 5's are very strong.

My Stats- Ugly 7/18 Greens 10/14 Fairways 31 Putts. Iron play was the biggest problem and something I will work out soon.