Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jack Frost.Brunswick Plantation. Internet

Hey Yall,

First off my internet has not been working for the past couple days hence why I haven't gotten anything out to you. right now I'm typing this from a computer at the bowling alley.

The Jack Frost Scramble was a lot of fun. Our group finished at 18 under 1 out of the money. It was interesting because I was teeing off forward tees. The course had a lot of doglegs so my teammates were telling me to aim over houses to try to cut corners. Really weird when your aiming over a house that is 20 yards in front of you.

Wednesday and Thursday was my second tournament at Brunswick Plantation. The first day I didn't hit the ball great but was better than it had been. I shot 75 - My stats were 13/14 Fairways. 15/18 greens and 32 putts. Still not putting great and something I really have been focusing on. The second day was a blustery one. Gusts of up to 35 mph. I shot 77 - My stats were 12/14 Fairways. 12/18 Greens and 32 putts. It was kind of a struggle all day. I ended up missing the cut by 7.

I know I can play better. A couple more dropped putts and I'll make it.

Thanks for the support.

1 comment:

  1. hey there!!

    not to worry, I know you can do it!!
    you are getting would be nice if you had some good weather for a change huh??
