Thursday, December 17, 2009

Missed Cut....Better Play.

December 16th was the second day of the tournament at Black Bear. I started off with quick birdies at 1 and 2. I wasn't hitting the ball great but my putting and overall shortgame was very good. I bogied 6,13 and 17 to be 1 over for the day.

The 18th hole is a 540 par 5 with the second shot over water. I hit a great drive and left myself with 235yds to the hole. I decdided then to go for the green in 2 and came up short in the water. I was proud of myself for taking the chance at hitting the green and potentially making eagle but I was disappointed I didn't pull off the shot. I made a double bogey on the hole and ended up missing the cut by 3.

I played much better overall but still plenty of work to do. The next tourny is the 28th.

Happy Holidays to everybody following me!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Geoff, Glad to see you are pursuing your competitive golf career. You definately have the skills. My game has gone a little down hill lately but I did have my first hole in one this summer. Good luck with your tournaments and let me know if you are ever in Greensboro. We will definately have to play.
